Digital Healthcare | Patient Engagement
“Nixit” aims to put an end to depression, anxiety, substance use, hypertension, and diabetes with a “Hub” of Care Team members consisting of healthcare professionals, health coaches and family members. You are not alone; your Care Team is a click away!
Care is coordinated between Physical Health, Behavioral Health, Public Health and Social Services. Create your clinical care team from Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Counseling, Primary Care, Specialty Care, Nursing, Case Management, and Administration to meet your changing needs. Using NixitHub, they can increase timely communication, collaboration, and cooperation.
NixitHub supports a patient-centric approach to Whole Person Care, with the goal of improving health outcomes, quality of care and lower cost of care to support the value-based care model. Ask us how!
If you are an official government agency, healthcare system, nationally recognized medical or epidemiological research organization, ask us about using our no cost Covid-19 solution. Contact us at [email protected].
Care Team of Healthcare professionals and family members
Medication and Refills reminders Appointment reminders to reduce “No shows”
Goal Tracking
Treatment plans and Goals Management
Patient and Care Team alerts
Risk Management
Automated Check-ins and Risk Management
Our Solution
For Clients/Consumers/Patient, Coaches and Family Members
- Be supported by your Care Team preventing recurring episodes and relapses.
- Create a care team of your choice.
- Timely notification and alerts to keep you on track.
- Reminders on your digital wearables to ensure a healthy and productive lifestyle.
- Medication ingestion and refill reminders so you do not miss a crucial part of your recovery.
- Manage and share your progress with family members, peers as well as coaches.
- Timely screenings and check-ins to minimize risk.
- Manage other chronic illnesses ensuring mental and physical health recovery.
- Continue using during After Care.

For Providers
- Create care team for each consumer.
- Reduce no shows with reminders to patients/clients and family members or friends.
- Automated mood check-ins to assess risk levels for scheduling timely treatment.
- Provide care for co-occurring disorders treatments for depression, anxiety, eating disorders and substance abuse.
- Coordinate referrals and care with physical health professionals such as Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) and Specialty Doctors while delivering integrated care.
- Use datapoints for improved patient outcomes.
- Stay connected to your patients through your alumni group.
- Improve operational and financial management while delivering value-based care.
- A digital health tool built for Mental Health and Addiction treatment providers, Medical Care practices, Hospitals, Employers, Health Systems and Payors.
We are a team of entrepreneurs, clinicians, academics, engineers, writers, athletes, yoga instructors, and more. We have all experienced feelings of stress, anxiety, or loneliness at some point in our lives without the proper resources to manage them.